The Leap Lifestyle

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Welcome to The Leap Lifestyle!

Welcome to The Leap Lifestyle!

Words alone cannot express how excited I am to finally launch this little passion project of mine! To be honest, The Leap has been an idea I’ve been ruminating on for years. My original intent was to create a digital magazine, but as technology changed and social media became a dynamic part of our everyday lives, I realized that I wanted to offer more content than a monthly magazine would allow.

Additionally, the original plan was to focus solely on wedding planning, but again time and knowledge intervened and as my years in the wedding planning industry grew, I realized that the experience of planning a wedding runs deeper than simply hiring vendors and choosing food. It’s a lifestyle; a season of life, if you will. So many couples make lifelong and life-altering decisions around the time they are planning their wedding, and I have a heartfelt desire to offer advice and ideas for that time in your life. From that passion, The Leap Lifestyle was born: a daily blog, and soon a sister podcast interviewing experts on all the many lifestyle decisions surrounding this time in your life.

I hope you’ll enjoy what you read here, on Instagram, and hear on the podcast. After all, getting married is one of life’s biggest leaps, let’s enjoy the ride together!




Founder and Editor, The Leap Lifestyle

photo credit: Jenny Quicksall Photography